im a lonely bitch rant 

I think I rely on other people to be happy you know. For me it’s summer holidays and it’s been like nearly two weeks and I have barley seen anyone or Been out. It’s not that I’m getting bored at home cos I’m not I mean who doesemt live binge watching Netflix and playing sims 😂 it’s that I’m stuck home for days in a row and emotionally eating but not doing much exercise, it’s being lazy that drives me crazy I like to get at least 5000 steps daily and since all I have been able to do is go on short walks I am only at about 3-4 thousand a day and it’s not good since I’m going through a rough patch and loosing friends (Hence being alone for days) and so I find myself emotionally eating and then feeling guilty. I just hate how everybody cancels on me it’s like I’m a trap, it’s like I have “cancel our plans” written across my head.  And because I am bitchy I can’t help but get super angry at my friend for canceling for stupid or unsaid reasons, I’m trying to keep it in but it’s hard like I’m an organised person as friends of mine you should understand and respect that now instead of saying “I probs can I will ask later” call your mum the fuck up don’t make me wait and hope ask the fuck now. 

Poo I am such a bitch you may think but lonely is something I like not to be . And organised and planned is something I like to be and I’m sorry guys but that’s just me and a friend would understand that so if you can’t see what loneliness is doing to me then take a quick look and see what I can be.

Wtf rhyming in point eh?

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