you stole my restriction of food 

In pretty sure my friend had knicked my “eating disorder” (it’s in speech marks because I have never been diagnosed so therefore I can’t say I had one) just as in getting better and I have gained a few pounds and she tells me u can’t even notice, she stills my “ed”. Okay so in being s little harsh…

  • U see the thing is she has been dieting for ages, and yes she used to be overweight and like a size 14 (for her height it was overweight) but now she is a healthy weight and looks slimmer than her current size 8/10/12 . However I know she calorie counts because she talks about it because she wants to loose wish which is okay because she is probably just above the centre of the healthy weight range but the thing is she has stolen my old habits. Yesterday we went out for dinner it was healthy and nice but I saw on her app she only had 700 calories for that day and I’m pretty sure that was for dinner. We have always agreed that breakfast is are fave and most important meal of the day and she was the one this morning who said lets go get have breakfast and yet she onl had half the size of the small serving because “she wanted fruit” okay I had a whole Serving with fruit and by fruit it was only a few strawberrys! This is insane she has encouraged me (or tried to) to not count calories and yet she is ridicpulosy restricting! How dare she think it’s not obvious to me, I want to go back to Weight loss just to prove you can loose weight eating a arguable amount!!! I’m so mad what a hippicrit, she knows my struggles u can’t help and yet she’s doing this rightvinfring of my face. 

I caught my “ed ” from a friend who had a proper ed. now mines spreading to two of my closest friends. What do I do please help.

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